日本新番动画动漫Negative Space My dad taught me how to pack.
Negative Space tells the bittersweet story of a relationship between a father and his son, Sam. Always l eaving on business trips, the father connects with Sam by teaching him how to pack a suitcase efficiently. Negative Space讲述了一个苦中带甜的,关于一个父亲与他的儿子Sam的关系的故事。随时都要离开去出差的爸爸,通过传授儿子打包的技巧的过程,与儿子建立起父子的关系。
日本新番动画动漫Negative Space My dad taught me how to pack. Negative Space tells the bittersweet story of a relationship between a father and his son, Sam. Always l eaving on business trips, the father connects with Sam by teach… Negative Space漫画详情