日本新番动画动漫Ma vie de CourgetteCourgette is no wallflower, he’s a valiant little boy. When he loses his mother, he is sure he is alone in the world. But that’s before he makes his new friends in the children’s home. Simon, Ahmed, Jujube, Alice and Béatrice : they all have their stories and they are equally heartbreaking and tender. But there’s also a girl, Camille. When you’re 10 years old, there is so much to discover – like what it’s like to have a gang of friends, to fall in love, and hey, maybe even to be happy.
日本新番动画动漫Ma vie de CourgetteCourgette is no wallflower, he’s a valiant little boy. When he loses his mother, he is sure he is alone in the world. But that’s before he makes his new friends in the children’s home. Simon, A… Ma vie de Courgette漫画详情