日本新番动画动漫Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 3After defeating world-shattering threats like Ultron and Thanos, the Avengers have less reason to come back together to fight smaller villains as a team. However, the unexpected return of Ultron reunites the Avengers and they must learn what it is to function as a unit again. New challenges include the unpredictable Ultimate Ultron, but also Baron Zemo, the Masters of Evil, the Inhumans, and the futuristic Kang the Conquerer. Through these events, the Avengers prove once again that they are more than a powerhouse team--they are also a family...
日本新番动画动漫Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 3After defeating world-shattering threats like Ultron and Thanos, the Avengers have less reason to come back together to fight smaller villains as a team. However, the unexpected … Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 3漫画详情