日本新番动画动漫Wilhelm ParkIs this a horror or a love story?
I started this in mid October for the NG halloween thing, but once I realized I was going to miss the deadline I started taking my time. This probably took me around 3 months in total as there was definitely an entire month worth of screwing around and playing XBox Live arcade... THAT MONTH WAS WORTH IT THOUGH.
I did all the animation and music and everything, BUT I had awesome help on the voice work from Caxx, which I couldn't have done without:
Sorry about the filesize, and thanks a bazillion again to Tom for raising my limit, and for the front page and everything else.
日本新番动画动漫Wilhelm ParkIs this a horror or a love story? I started this in mid October for the NG halloween thing, but once I realized I was going to miss the deadline I started taking my time. This probably took me around 3… Wilhelm Park漫画详情