日本新番动画动漫To venner末日后的世界,女人和孩子都因为疾病死光了,疾病已经肆虐了十年,一对好朋友挣扎着试图在这个黑暗的世界生存下去。
Albert and his best friend Jonas are orphans. They live in the future in a harsh dystopia where the women and children are all dead. The men have begun to change in their yearning for a woman.
日本新番动画动漫To venner末日后的世界,女人和孩子都因为疾病死光了,疾病已经肆虐了十年,一对好朋友挣扎着试图在这个黑暗的世界生存下去。 Albert and his best friend Jonas are orphans. They live in the future in a harsh dystopia where the women and children are… To venner漫画详情